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About Me:

An aspiring Latina PR professional who can use both language and images to tell a compelling story.

Hello! My name is Gisselle Bahena and I am a creative enthusiast prepared to use my public relations and social media marketing skills in a creative workplace. It is a passion of mine to bring any creative vision to fruition through inventive storytelling and alluring design.


During my years at DePaul University, I have learned the ways of public relations and how a company’s mission can be delivered successfully. Now, as an intern at Zapwater Communications, I have applied what I have learned and produced high-quality PR and social media projects with travel and tourism clients in Chicago and around the world.


I hope that as you look through my portfolio you not only see my passion for PR, content creation, and writing but also the drive I have to keep improving and learning so that I can create meaningful work that can make an impact!


I believe that with just a sprinkle of creativity, an organization's dreams can become reality...

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